Dec. 6, 2023, 5:44 p.m. | dollarboysushil

InfoSec Write-ups - Medium

VulnHub — FristiLeaks 1.3 Writeup — by dollarboysushil

Vulnhub FristiLeaks,133/
A small VM made for a Dutch informal hacker meetup called Fristileaks. Meant to be broken in a few hours without requiring debuggers, reverse engineering, etc..

After download the vm from vulnhub. Make sure the network is set to NAT and set MAC address as 08:00:27:A5:A6:76

Lets start

You should get the IP address of the machine, in my case

Nmap Scanning

nmap -sC -sV {victim ip}
-sC …

ethical hacking oscp-certification vulnhub-walkthrough

Cryptography Software Developer

@ Intel | USA - AZ - Chandler

Lead Consultant, Geology

@ WSP | Richmond, VA, United States

BISO Cybersecurity Director

@ ABM Industries | Alpharetta, GA, United States

TTECH Analista de ciberseguridad

@ Telefónica | LIMA, PE

TRANSCOM IGC - Cloud Security Engineer

@ IT Partners, Inc | St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Sr Cyber Threat Hunt Researcher

@ Peraton | Beltsville, MD, United States