June 30, 2024, 7:06 a.m. |

IACR News www.iacr.org

ePrint Report: Natively Compatible Super-Efficient Lookup Arguments and How to Apply Them

Matteo Campanelli, Dario Fiore, Rosario Gennaro

Lookup arguments allow an untrusted prover to commit to a vector $\vec f \in \mathbb{F}^n$ and show that its entries reside in a predetermined table $\vec t \in \mathbb{F}^N$. One of their key applications is to augment general-purpose SNARKs making them more efficient on subcomputations that are hard to arithmetize. In order for this "augmentation" to work out, a SNARK and a …

commit eprint report report super untrusted vec vector

Account Executive

@ Darktrace | Vancouver

Account Executive

@ Darktrace | Seattle

Cyber Security Risk Analyst Lead

@ Leidos | Canberra, Australia

ICT Security Operations Lead

@ Leidos | Canberra, Australia

Développeur AZURE DEVOPS (H/F)

@ Apside | Strasbourg, Grand Est, France

Business Analyst

@ BridgePhase | San Antonio, TX