June 8, 2023, 11:28 a.m. | info@thehackernews.com (The Hacker News)

The Hacker News thehackernews.com

APIs, more formally known as application programming interfaces, empower apps and microservices to communicate and share data. However, this level of connectivity doesn't come without major risks. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in APIs to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or even take control of the entire system. Therefore, it's essential to have a robust API security posture to

access api apis api security api security posture application apps connectivity control data exploit hackers major microservices posture programming risks security security posture sensitive data share system unauthorized access vulnerabilities

IT Security Manager

@ Timocom GmbH | Erkrath, Germany

Cybersecurity Service Engineer

@ Motorola Solutions | Singapore, Singapore

Sr Cybersecurity Vulnerability Specialist

@ Health Care Service Corporation | Chicago Illinois HQ (300 E. Randolph Street)

Associate, Info Security (SOC) analyst

@ Evolent | Pune

Public Cloud Development Security and Operations (DevSecOps) Manager

@ Danske Bank | Copenhagen K, Denmark

Cybersecurity Risk Analyst IV

@ Computer Task Group, Inc | United States