Oct. 2, 2023, 7:30 p.m. | /u/bpsec

For [Blue|Purple] Teams in Cyber Defence www.reddit.com


This repository contains free IOC Feeds that can be used without additional requirements. The statistics of the implemented feeds are listed in the table below.

## IOC Feed Statistics
| Category | Count |
| --- | --- |
| DNS | 8 |
| IP | 64 |
| MD5 | 10 |
| SHA1 | 3 |
| SHA256 | 7 |
| SSL | 1 |
| URL | 16 |
| CVEID | 3 | …

blueteamsec dns feed free ioc md5 repository requirements sha1 statistics

IT Security Manager

@ Timocom GmbH | Erkrath, Germany

Cybersecurity Service Engineer

@ Motorola Solutions | Singapore, Singapore

Sr Cybersecurity Vulnerability Specialist

@ Health Care Service Corporation | Chicago Illinois HQ (300 E. Randolph Street)

Associate, Info Security (SOC) analyst

@ Evolent | Pune

Public Cloud Development Security and Operations (DevSecOps) Manager

@ Danske Bank | Copenhagen K, Denmark

Cybersecurity Risk Analyst IV

@ Computer Task Group, Inc | United States