July 5, 2023, 6:42 a.m. |

IACR News www.iacr.org

ePrint Report: E2E near-standard and practical authenticated transciphering

Ehud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Gilad Ezov, Eyal Kushnir, Hayim Shaul, Omri Soceanu

Homomorphic encryption (HE) enables computation delegation to untrusted third-party while maintaining data confidentiality. Hybrid encryption (a.k.a Transciphering) allows a reduction in the number of ciphertexts and storage size, which makes HE solutions practical for a variety of modern applications. Still, modern transciphering has two main drawbacks: 1) lack of standardization or bad performance of symmetric decryption under FHE; 2) lack …

computation confidentiality data e2e encryption eprint report homomorphic encryption hybrid near party report size solutions standard storage third third-party untrusted

All-Source Analyst (Watch Floor) - Senior

@ Global Dimensions | Columbia, Maryland, United States

Field Account Executive

@ Darktrace | Kentucky, United States

Technical Operations Engineer - International

@ Anduril | London, England, United Kingdom

Associate Analyst - Managed Security Services

@ Millennium IT ESP | Madhupur Upazila, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Associate Analyst - Managed Security Services

@ Millennium IT ESP | Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Associate Analyst - Managed Security Services

@ Millennium IT ESP | Colombo, WP, Sri Lanka