Oct. 3, 2023, 11:52 a.m. | info@thehackernews.com (The Hacker News)

The Hacker News thehackernews.com

APIs, also known as application programming interfaces, serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms. They provide developers with an interface to interact with external services, allowing them to integrate various functionalities into their own applications.
However, this increased reliance on

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Enterprise Threat Intel Analyst

@ Resource Management Concepts, Inc. | Quantico, Virginia, United States

IT Security Engineer III

@ Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | Houston, TX, US, 77046

Cyber Intelligence Vice President, Threat Intelligence

@ JPMorgan Chase & Co. | Singapore, Singapore

Assistant Manager, Digital Forensics

@ Interpath Advisory | Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Tier 3 - Forensic Analyst, SME

@ Resource Management Concepts, Inc. | Quantico, Virginia, United States

Incident Response, SME

@ Resource Management Concepts, Inc. | Quantico, Virginia, United States