Feb. 6, 2024, 7:40 a.m. | Abhishek Gupta

DEV Community dev.to

Posted: 6/Feb/2024

DynamoDB supports PartiQL to execute SQL-like select, insert, update, and delete operations.

Here is an example of how you would use PartiQL based queries for a simple URL shortener application. Notice how it uses a (generic) ExecuteStatement API to execute INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE:

_, err := client.ExecuteStatement(context.Background(), &dynamodb.ExecuteStatementInput{
Statement: aws.String("INSERT INTO url_metadata value {'longurl':?,'shortcode':?, 'active': true}"),
Parameters: []types.AttributeValue{
&types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: "https://github.com/abhirockzz"},
&types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: uuid.New().String()[:8]},

_, err := client.ExecuteStatement(context.Background(), &dynamodb.ExecuteStatementInput{
Statement: aws.String("SELECT * FROM url_metadata where shortcode=? …

api application cloud database delete dynamodb language notice operations query select serverless simple sql update url

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